Week in Review Take 2
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 by malita
Week's Loves:
3. Epiphany's - what a euphoric feeling when you figure something out - when the light bulb goes off and you receive insight!
4. Ebay - you can find the most rare and random of item's - great place for foreign films. You can even purchase the General Lee!!! For a mere few million!
5. Solitude - a dose 'ill do ya - it's a beautiful thing.
6. My living room - I have this great wall of window's - crank windows - with trees looming above - it's so green right now for all the rain - it makes a great view!
7. Spending time with the fam - nothing better than blowing bubbles with a two year old - listening to a 10 year old's rambling stories and bathing a baby - then being able to go home with NO children! Quote of the night - Cami showing me her freckle "wook at my wittle mowle".
Week's Not So Much...

- Memoires Afffectives - aka Looking for Alexander - this film is not for everyone - I absolutely LOVED it - it truly is a brilliant film and is one of the most challenging films I have ever seen. And for cinematography junkies it is AMAZING!!! If you can get your hand on a copy and you like challenging non Hollywood films that DON'T spoon feed you the plot then grab it!
3. Epiphany's - what a euphoric feeling when you figure something out - when the light bulb goes off and you receive insight!
4. Ebay - you can find the most rare and random of item's - great place for foreign films. You can even purchase the General Lee!!! For a mere few million!
5. Solitude - a dose 'ill do ya - it's a beautiful thing.
6. My living room - I have this great wall of window's - crank windows - with trees looming above - it's so green right now for all the rain - it makes a great view!
7. Spending time with the fam - nothing better than blowing bubbles with a two year old - listening to a 10 year old's rambling stories and bathing a baby - then being able to go home with NO children! Quote of the night - Cami showing me her freckle "wook at my wittle mowle".
Week's Not So Much...
- Humidity - don't mind the rain but ugh the humidity
- Dirty kitchen - good grief when was the last time this floor was swept - ick!
- In fact my whole house could use a major cleaning and I am not motivated to do it - any volunteers?
- Wedding Receptions - showers have been on the list for a while now - receptions just made it - no offense and not any one in specific - I'm just over them - an evening of forced fun for everyone - hours of small talk, mini foods and watching the bride and groom awkwardly make their way through the room.
Agree with the Blake comment.