I think my TiVo thinks I'm gay...

Title quoted by Spence - King of Queens

I love Last FM - it's a fun little music addition to the ol computer - You play your music library, whether it's through ITunes or what have you - and Last FM compiles your favorite type of music etc. Then you can play what they recommend for you based on what you have recently played. A bit like a personalized radio station.

It's great! Except occasionally it goes a bit wonky.

Today I played ONE Alanis Morrisette song- it wasn't even a man hater song - it was a cover version of Seal's "Crazy". Next thing I know I have a play list of Tracy Chapman, Liz Phair and The Indigo Girls!!!

So my Last FM thinks I'm a lesbian? I quickly started playing some non sexually biased music - just to get the facts straight and all - no pun intended.