Noah, build the arc!
Friday, July 06, 2007 by malita

Finally a sunny day today!!! Check out these Austin rain stats.
Days since rains began: 44
Homes destroyed by flooding: 1,000
Flood-related deaths: 11
Estimated cost of damages in Burnet County alone: $30 million
Number of emergency Texas National Guard soldiers activated by Governor Perry throughout the state: 250
Total impacted area, spanning North Texas to the Rio Grande Valley, in square miles: 48,000
Height, in feet above sea level, of Lake Travis when considered "full": 681
Height of Lake Travis on July 4th: 701
All-time record height, from Christmas of 1991: 710.44
Floodgates currently open at Mansfield Dam: 4
Discharge capacity of each floodgate, in gallons per second: 35,682
Total inflow of floodwaters through Highland Lakes and Lake Travis, in gallons: 228 billion