From the Balcony
Sunday, August 05, 2007 by malita

I've decided when Casey and I venture out we inevitably turn into the old me from the muppets that sit in the balcony observing and making whitty comments on the sights they see below.
We both are self proclaimed people watching experts - it helps that we live in one of the most interesting people watching cities in the nation... But this weekend was an all time best.
I have decided to label it - Fat America weekend...
First a trip to the Round Rock Express game - I have no idea how the game went - but I can certainly tell you what everyone in our parameter looked like and behaved like. Good gosh we have some unhealthy individuals in this country - oh sir please that is your 4th beer, second hot dog and yes now lets top it off with a funnel cake and peanuts- all the while you are sitting on your %&*# just getting larger and larger as the time goes on. Mullet count, 4! And remember when wearing the same color shirt, shorts and shoes was cool? No I don't either.
Next on the agenda is the summer production of "My Favorite Year" at Zilker Park - every summer they do a hillside production, this was my first - very fun! But the people watching and fabulous weather topped the performance.
I'm sure Casey will post the pics that we covertly snapped of the "theater goers" - First we have" momma and pappa extra larger serving" and their new adorable baby that is resigned to the life their parents lead. The first thing I notice is pappa XL has got with him the largest "mug" I have ever seen - It's probably the equivalent of 6 liters - by the end of the night that thing ended up in the stroller!!! They each had giant bowls of pasta that they devoured with chop sticks - the thing was each bowl contained enough to feed a person for a week - no exaggeration - it was easily 4-6 servings in each bowl. Each bite was at least 3 bites in one!!!
Next - Dominoes Pizza family behind us - EACH family member had their OWN medium sized pizza that they finished off separately!!! THERE OWN PIZZA!!!! No matter there are people in the US and abroad dying of starvation - here in American we each have our own pizza that we will finish off in one sitting!!!!
Oh there were others - let's talk about the woman behind us that had an large battery powered fan propped between her legs - The suburban dad that kept his hat bill turned to the side the majority of the night - Mr. Denim no shirt man - that constantly played with his t-shirt debating whether to put it on but "I am too sexy for this shirt, no?"
Oh the list goes on - photos to prove all of this here... In the meantime I am calling the American Heart Association to suggest they start attending all events where there is constant sitting involved, sitting and eating, eating and sitting...
See pics here - Casey's Blog
I love that we blogged about the same thing and that both blogs have their own "unique" spin on the weekend. Pics are on my site. Enjoy!
you two are a force to avoid in public i think...i cant imagine things i might do that would end me up on your blog. and by the way, i tagged you so read my blog and figure out what that means.