Feeling my age when...
Sunday, July 27, 2008 by malita

Who can keep up with the kids these days ;-)
I have recently had to either risk embarrassment and just come out and ask someone or consult my trusty UrbanDictionary.com for these crazy abbreviations for IM and text..which I then adopt and use and abuse - admit tingly....
ROFL is not a horrible spelling for ralphing as in throwing up...
LMAO is not a misspelled version of lame o....
420 is not an area code
and most recently DILF has nothing to to with dying in laughter forever
P.s when talking to someone else - unless you are genuinely kidding it is NOT I repeat NOT ok to speak in text - OMG or LOL are not verbal replacements for the actual words and actions - I refuse to take you seriously and will make fun of you to your face, just know you brought it on yourself and deserve it... Also if you are typing and can't bring yourself to type "you" and instead type "u" take a good look and the mirror and repeat these words "I am officially amongst the laziest people on the earth, pretty soon I will find myself Ebaying for a respirator so I won't have to breath on my own."
Anyway - TTYL...
I have no idea what any of those abbreviations mean either. I just figured out OMG not too long ago. But then again, I am the youngest grandma out there!