Splenda Pumpkin Pie

I'm usually the pie maker, not because I'm fantastic at it but because no one else wants to do it but everyone wants the pie! Some of you may know I'm not a huge fan of white sugar, I prefer brown sugar - it tends to be better for you and in my opinion bakes better. But I've gotten my mother hooked on Spelenda Brown Sugar - 1/2 c equals one cup of regular brown sugar. I love it and even use it in my coffee and oatmeal.

So this Thanksgiving I made the pie with Splenda Brown sugar. It called for 3/4 cup regular sugar so I used about 2/3 I think (I'm not big on precision with cooking or baking if it's something where I know what I'm doing).

At first it was still good - but I could detect a tiny amount of aftertaste which bothered me. So I left it in the fridge over night and had a slice today...

A M A Z I N G !!!!!!!!!!! Probably one of the better ones I've done. According to the website I used too much, so trial and error there - but yummm - and much healthier for us! yay!

I highly recommend. Other recipes here.