Maybe I should read to the blind...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 by malita
... but they have to let me read what I want to read!
Well Stephenie Meyer has thoroughly taken over this country - at least the Twilight series is better than some of those other book fads like The Secret (so glad I refused to read that one!). And what's even better the all mighty O did NOT tell the world to read this book - the world did it somewhat on their own!!! Ohhhhh happy day, ohhh happy dayyyyy!
You may recall my recommending these books this past summer - though if you chose to wait till the last one was out to jump on the bandwagon you were smart, waiting between book 3 and 4 was brutal.
But I must remind you that she has also written an amazing book that I also recommended called The Host - I actually read that one first and then discovered Twilight series, backwards girl aile one. (little secret, if you want to read the unfinished version of Edward's take on Twilight go here, ps this may be all we ever get of it too.)
At the moment I have just read book 5 of an 8 book series called The Outlander series. These have taken over my life!!!! Worst part - only SIX of the books have been written. And she is not a speed writer, she started these in 1991 - people, that's when I was in high school for crimeny!!!
So I am taking a break to read The Story of Edgar Sawtelle - suck it O - I picked this up months before you commanded the world to read it!! It's similar to Leif Enger's Peace Like a River which I devoured, it's a great story, but it's more about the story telling than anything else.
Next up - The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. And then #6 of the Outlander Series; Breath of Snow and Ashes, I'm holding out since I have no idea when #7 will be finished! Maybe if I stalk her she'll hurry up....
So you need to come up with some seal thing and make a "Malita's Book Club" seal of approval or something like that. I agree with you though...O can suck it.